[content_box_red width=”75%”]THE LOYALTY PROGRAM IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR NEW MEMBERS[/content_box_red]

Video Summary:

  • Introducing Dugi Guides – Members Loyalty Program to reward our old members.
  • All members who made a total purchase of $175 or more will earn a free lifetime updates for the following guides
    – Leveling
    – Dailies & Events
    – Loremater & Dungeons
    – Dugi Gold Academy
  • The free lifetime updates will cover new content updates for Mist of Pandaria and future World of Warcraft expansion.
  • Loyalty program is effective now for all your old and new active purchase will count towards the loyalty program, once you have reach $175 total purchase or more, your account will be flagged automatically by our system for free updates.

[content_box_red width=”75%”]Note: We are aware of issues with some products displaying $0 purchase.

  1. Make sure the $0 product have a receipt #
    (free product such as Bonus guides or Cataclysm update might not have one and the $0 value displayed is correct)
  2. Please contact Sales Enquiry (Dugi) using the Ticket Support and I will fix it.


    335 replies to "Members Loyalty Program"

    • Matokeagle

      Hey Gugi. I must say I like your guides. Currently I have ordered only the Alliance guides and sadly I do not qualify for the lifetime of free updates, because of my very limited income (I am on disability and have very little extra money.) I have to say that I am very very pleased with your product. I have recommended it to several of my guildies in WOW, and they also love it. Keep up the great work and hope to see more in the future. I will be buying the new updates when they come out.

    • Gene Arthur

      Looks like I am gonna miss out on MoP update. Even buying the 2 guides(that count) my total would fall short by $5. And if I could afford the 2 guides I might as well purchase the update. But alas, Fall semester starts in 2 weeks and money is going to get tight.

      Oh well I guess Ill get it someday.

    • TROY CAW

      Thanks dugi for this, i think is a great idea. i know that the free guides will have a value of $0 but i have a guide that shows 8/30/2007 (horde and ally lvling guide) can you check for me, a lot of the receipt from 2007 to 2009 or gone for me and my bank has changed a few times over the years and have no records of 2005-2009.


    • Bill Padjune

      Great news. I am not currently at the threshhold, as I only started playing WOW about a year and a hlf ago. The guides make playing stress free and enjoyable and help maximize the potential for playing the game. I look forward to the MoP expansion guide and hitting that loyalty threshhold soon. Keep up the good work!

    • Janetta Scott

      •Achievement & Profession is currently not included for loyalty program. That is not fair. It’s money we paid to level our Professions and Achievements. It should still be counted.

      • Mikael Johannesson

        @Janetta Scott, As I understand the deal: all money you spend on guides (whichever guide) counts up to 175$ , its only that the free lifetime upgrades do not include Achievement & Proffession guides.

        = You buy the achievement and proffession guides in the future even when hitting the lifetime free upgrade 175$ limit.

      • Dugi

        I’m sorry, it was bad wording. What I meant was the Acheivement & Profession Mop update. The money spent on it will count towards the $175 threshold for the free MoP Update for the other guides.

    • Bruno Franca

      Hi dugi,

      I’ve been using your guides since 10/01/2009 however looking at the total spent i’m only at $148 i currently own all your available guides however i think the site is not showing me the original purchase of the base guild in which case that would put me in your new threshold.

      Regards Bruno Franca

      • Dugi

        I fixed your Leveling guide value.

    • Herman

      Very much appreciated!

    • Tricia Kennedy

      I’ve bought all your guides and coudn’t do without them, thanks for thinking of us!

    • Theo Rice

      So I only have $100 worth of stuff. I don’t plan on having enough money to put forward the extra $75 before MoP launches, but if I buy $75 worth of stuff after MoP comes out, without buying any of the mop guides, will I automatically get all the rest of the guides (minus achieves and professions)?

      Anyway, awesome program!

      • Dugi

        If you reach the $175 threshold at any time you will get the MoP guides for free, so it can be done later aswell.

    • J Borden

      I’ve only been with you guys since February, but LOVE all my guides. I think this is an excellent idea. Thank you for taking care of your loyal customers!

    • YvonneW

      Thank you Dugi! I was ready to purchase the MOP update, though I was hoping for a coupon for existing members, however the Loyalty program makes it all the better! $214 customer here 🙂

    • Mikael Reynolds

      As a happy customer since 2009, with all of your guides to date, I will join everyone else in saying how fantastic this idea is. Rewarding loyalty will only bring you happier buyers (including the countless others I’ve told about your products). Thank you for this initiative 🙂

    • mikeR

      Excellent idea! Greatly appreceated!

    • CharlesM

      WOW Thankyou 🙂 Just ordered those alliance guides i was missing to push up my total purchases

    • Rennell

      Thanks for helping the people who support your products. I did send in a ticket as requested this morning but it came back closed with no reply. Not sure what that means so I have to assume that I did not qualify for the loyality program. Not a problem I will purchase the updates. Have a great day. Your guides are the best!

      • Dugi

        It shouldn’t be closed with no reply, will look into it.

        • Alberto Ramos

          @Dugi, my ticket also was closed with no reply 🙁

          • Dugi

            can’t seem to find your ticket, the latest one was on 8/6/2011

            • Alberto Ramos

              @Dugi, I replied the email confirming the ticket 4716 summit and I received another opening the the ticket 4740, maybe checking this can help you to solve the vanished tickets mistery 🙂

    • MatteoZ

      I love you, Dugi.

      I wasn’t one of those long time users and I couldn’t afford the free update to MoP, but with this one… I can get it! THANKS!!!

      181 $ well worth the product(s). Thanks.

      • M Prado

        Hi Dugi, I bought all your guides in the Ally side and they helped me maxed out my 8 different alts. Now I am on the Horde side and I couldn’t play without them. I think I have all your guides, achievements included, dungeons and of course the gold guides. I have no complains, I love them, WOW is my therapy when I come from work and your guides are my gps. I just want to make sure I’ll be on the first few list or in any list where I won’t have to worry that I won’t get it, and yes I would like to know how much for me. Would pay anything, but age and numbers are not good friends. So I have no idea how much I will be paying and depending on the price wish i could break it down. Kind of a Dugi payment plan. Otherwise, thank you for being there. Please DON’T stop making these guides, I have about 10 good WOW years before I retire.

        • Dugi

          You’re all set, there’s nothing else you need to do 🙂

          • M Prado

            @Dugi, Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.. you are my Wow Dream Come True.. tytytyty..

    • TonyN

      I thank you for giving us loyal customers a break I know you did not have to do this so thank you very much.

      PS: I spent over $184…

    • MatthewW

      Isn’t $175 high for someone who only will ever play one side?

    • MartinF

      Hi Dugi

      Thanks for being the best guide maker and having a sound idea for your customers!

      Maybe we need an extra bit of info on our member profiles that states how far away from the target we are, something like: “To qualify for the lifetime updates you need to spend $xx.xx”.

      I just wish I’d not been with that Z guys guides before finding yours, then I might’ve spent more here!!

      Cheers for all your hard work and friendliness


      • Dugi

        Thanks for the suggestion, we’re working on it 🙂

    • Bengt Kohrs

      I can only count my purchases to 110$, but i have lots of purchases showing 0$. So just wonder if you can check it out for me?

      • Dugi

        I fixed the Dailies & Event value, but the rest was gifted.

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