Dugi Guides Competition

How To Enter

Leave a comment on our blog below and tell us.

What is your favourite level 1-60 Zone (or Dungeon) and tell us why?


10 Lifetime Dugi Guides Membership + In-Game Pets

Grand Prize: 3 Manually selected comments will receive 5 In-Game Pets or equivalent value from the Blizzard Store

7 Randomly selected comments will receive their choice of 1 In-Game Pet or equivalent value from the Blizzard Store


1. Make sure you enter the correct email address for us to contact you

2. One entry per person, you can invite your friends to enter.

3. Competition will end when the winners are announced on March 21st 2011

Good Luck!

    823 replies to "Dugi Guide Competition (March 2011)"

    • Jacob

      My favorite leveling zone would have to be the starting zone for the humans. For some reason, when ever i got bored, i would make a new human and work on him till about 10 then delete him and start on someone else. It is so fun because that is where you learn your first spell and it is not hard at all. It brings back memories because that is where i started my first character and I learned how to play. I loved playing it even more when Cata. came out, it seemed like it added more stuff to do. So, in my opinion, this is the best leveling zone because it is the beginning of a journey for a human character.

    • Gokhan

      I’ve never though about this topic before. There are a lot of beautiful zones in WoW. It is hard to decide what is your favourite one 🙂 But i think, my favourite zone is Stranglethorn Vale. Because STV is the heaven of skinners, and the type of mobs in STV are my favourite. (Raptors, tigers etc) I love travelling around that zone. The nature in there is amazing. When i travel, i feel like im having a picnic 🙂

      Sorry about my English 🙂 I know it sucks a little bit.

    • Eragonus

      While I like a lot of the zones, my favorite 1-60 zone would have to be Mulgore. Maybe it’s just that my first toon was a Tauren, but I love the look and feel of that zone. It’s a very calming type of place. It also features a nice little easter egg now that cata hit where there is a Critter warzone. Mice with guns, bunnys with helms and maces. The that easter egg just gets me to giggle every time I see it. That would definitely be the zone I like most.

    • Akuma

      You can’t choose one.Every zone has his charmes.If i really need to pick one it would be Elwynn Forest.This was my first starterzone back in the day of vanilla Wow,and still have good memories about it,even though i played that zone maybe 20 times again since then 😀

    • Gaël


      if I have to choose one…. it would be blackrock mountaint…. just because one little reason…back then i was happily questing around… but some horde guys were just killing me :s… suddenly some draenei guy appeared and saved me… hehehe…
      long story short… we got to be great friends, he helped me alot… we leveled together…. aaaaand things got out of the game…
      and guess what… he .. wasnt a he…. her name its Alejandra…. and we lived quite close to each other xD that times…
      right now shes my girlfriend… of 3 years and 9 months ^^…

      But to a very close pick… I would definitely pick Durotar… i started my very first character there… as a Orc warlock…
      my very first immersion to Wow… really touching…

    • Ross

      Badlands hand down. Sure most people like it for the Deathwing quest chain but not I. That zone is chock full of fun mechanics! Not only the Deathwing chain but also the Squad chain. Where you get to control 3 biker gang members that follow you around on their choppers and have two abilities a piece you have to manage. Also the Sentry games are there which offer a nice little logic puzzle that, while fairly simple, can give you trouble. Not to mention the turret quest where you are being attacked from all directions and you have to use your 360 degree turret to defend yourself.

      If I could have a character just repeat that zone over and over from 1-85, I would be very content.

    • Paul

      My favorite area is the Worgen starting area. I just recently started a worgen character to see what the starting area for them was like, and I loved it. The story line, cinamatics and phasing made for some really fun game play.

    • Keith

      Since i would have to choose a favorite 1- 60 zone…. i would say crossroads would be mine. I always liked how there were so many quests. I never go bored with them between killing 10 of this or collecting 10 of raptor eggs or hunting down the alliance elites roaming the road kept me busy for hours. I’M currently leveling a new toon just to see what has been changed to the quests in crossroads but i hope most are the same but loving the new look to the area.

    • Oscar Biedermann

      My favorite dungeon would have to be Molten Core or MC for short. MC was one of the first dungeons to implement 40 man raiding. I remember back in the day when everyone wanted to do MC. Groups would always be full and there would even be a wait-list of 8 or 9 people trying to get a slot. It was amazing to see 40 people working as one in order to complete MC. That is why MC has my respect. I dont know whats going on with MC right now because I just came back to wow, but as soon as I get to level 85 I hope to solo it. With my limited time as a college student, Dugi’s guide greatly helps me level fast and easy.

    • GregB

      This is really a hard one for me but I would have to say that I was forever spending a lot of time in Duskwood. I remember when I started playing WoW several years back I would just run around there for hours each day farming to try and build up a little coin. From battling all the npc’s in the graveyard area to fighting off the ogres to get to herbs and minerals. Way to much time did I spend there. =P Nothing btr than being a lvl 15 or 16 and being lynched by half a dozen wolfs or spiders.

    • Bommer

      My favorite dungeon, of all time, has to be Molten Core.
      It was able to bring 40 people together, with a single goal in mind, and teach some that “there is no ‘I’ in team”.
      I’m 63 years old, and it was fun to see some of the younger players be exposed to the ‘team’ concept.

    • MoonMyst

      My favorite 1 -60 leveling zone is Silverpine Forest, I have always loved the Sunwell theme and of course the Ghostlands as I leveled my toons. Beyond level 60 I just absolutely love Deepholm now, the colors and the dailies are a lot of fun!

    • Inquis1t0r

      I generally prefer leveling trought the instances. My favorite is RFC…this feeling that my low lvl character can purge the evil basement of Orgrimmar :>

    • Dave

      Teldrassil was my favourite. The mystical atmosphere and music with tree houses combines to form a unique and relaxing environment just beautiful to look at. It just has so much atmosphere that you really feel that you’re in another world and can forget all about the mundane world down here. A fantasy land so real and beautiful that it releases your mind from all cares and stresses. Telsdrassil had that magical affect over me. Breathtaking is the only word that comes close to decribing it.

    • Bob

      :-)My favorite area pre- Cata would have to be Strangle Thorn, the wideness of the quest really made the area interesting, also 🙂
      :-)though at times it was a little annoying, I enjoyed having to fight 100+ monsters and search in the guild bank and AU for every :-)last page of every chapter in the book of stranglethorn, not to mention the panther, tiger, and raptor sequence quests.
      :-)My favorite dungeon would have to be DM it was the very first dungeon that I ever did and it really brings back memories of
      :-)being lvl 15-19 when i run guildies through it.

    • Michael

      My favorite is Feralas. I really love that landscape with its islands and atmosphere, especially when its raining ^^
      Exploring the lonely Naga caves is really pretty scary.

    • Kita Thomas

      My favorite zone is Teldrassil!!Its enchanting and beautiful! I started playing WoW In May of 2010 and never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be this beautiful! I was a avid MUDder s But the MUD went down and never came back after 6 months so it was time to move on and up and so I joined WoW so going from a text based game to being a Night Elf was like a dream come true! And then someone told me about Dugi and I bought it the same day I dont think even if the MUD ever did come back online I could ever go back to playing it I love my DUGI and WoW way to much!!

    • Tamnier

      My favorite zone(dungeon) is definitely ragefire chasm. I did an instance with a bunch of friends and one of our friends was a druid that couldn’t sit still. He would always jump around and turn into different animal forms. So he jumps on top of some rocks and says “everyone look at me!” and he falls…. right into the lava! Everyone yells “Swim swim!” as he’s flailing around and what does do? he jumps around, shapeshifts into into a seal and dies.

    • Nicholas

      Well, this might seem like an odd choice, my favorite questing zone before outlands is the Swamp of Sorrows. At first it looked like a tedious process, as the questing is rather slow paced, but I learned to love it. It had a story that gripped me like no other zone. Once you got to stonard, you get to see some classic Alliance versus horde action, but the thing that really got me was the goblins. Getting shot out of a cannon to kill giblins was awesome! Also, playing solo, it offered some of the real challange I had in a long time. With a super natural force in the zone, the true horrors of war revealed in a emotionaly gripping questline, and a seamless transition into the blasted lands, it remains my favorite questing zone.

    • Chris

      You guys had to choose a bit of a toughy. Hmmmm… I think I will choose Stonetalon just because it was one of the first places I leveled at on my mage and I just loved the story line in that area. Along with the ranking system they implemented. I was very clever.

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