A lot of you have been asking us as to what our plans are for Cataclysm updates.  Well I’m sorry it took so long and here is the official announcement 🙂

  • Cataclysm Updates will be included to customers who purchase from July 24th 2010 onwards or have only owned our guides for less than 6 months prior to Blizzards release of Cataclysm.
    The updates will include Leveling / Dungeon / Dailies & Events Guide.
  • Cataclysm Dungeon Guide updates will be free to all customers who own it.
  • The first 500 customers who bought our Dungeon Leveling Guide during our opening special will receive all updates for Cataclysm for free, (Dailies & Events guides will be included).
  • Cataclysm updates to all Bonus Guides will be free to all customers who own it.
  • Customers who have purchased our guide before November 2008 would have inherited our Lifetime Update** promise and they will receive a free update to the Cataclysm Leveling Guide and any future expansions.
  • An update fee for Leveling and Dailies & Events Guide Cataclysm content will be required for all other customers that didn’t fit any of the criteria above.
  • Cost will be $20 for a single guide  or $30 for both  guides  (upgrade fee will cover both Alliance & Horde)

** We used to offer Lifetime Update promise in the past however this offer was removed at the end of November 2008  and we will honor that promise for all customers who purchased our Leveling guide before November 2008.


  1. What updates will I get for free if I didn’t fit any of the criteria above? ( Recently purchased or within 6 month grace period, Inherit lifetime update for Leveling guide, or First 500 Dungeon Guide customer)
    • Updates to Dugi’s Guide Viewer addon are always free.
    • Updates for Level 1-80 content are free ensure that all Classic, Burning Crusade and  Wrath of the Lich King content will work for you.
    • Updates to all Bonus Guide that you currently own are free when they are ready.
  2. What will Cataclysm updates fee cover?
    Leveling Guide update fee will cover new Worgen and Goblin starting zone and the newLevel 80-85 zones.
    Dailies & Events Guide update fee will cover level 85 Dailies & Events guide
  3. I purchased my guide after November 2008  and it says LIFETIME in the members area, doesn’t this mean I will get lifetime updates ?
    This is a definition required by our Membership system so that your account would never expire and you will be able to access the product that you have purchased for life. This does not imply that you’re entitled to free lifetime updates as you would have only seen this message AFTER your purchased.  please refer to the original sales page for the complete description of what you have purchased.
  4. When will the Cataclysm updates be released ?
    Close to the release of Cataclysm expansion itself,  our goal is to complete the Leveling and Dungeon guide first and get you ready just before Cataclysm is released. Then we will release the updates for Dailies guide a little later.
  5. The update fee cover both Alliance & Horde and I only play eg. Alliance  will there be a cheaper option for single side faction?
    No sorry we will only offer the 1 price, think of it as a Bonus..  (ie. Update fee for Alliance will come with Horde update as bonus and vice versa)
  6. When will the Bonus Guides be updated?
    Our main focus is to complete the 3 paid in-game guides updated first and have them running smoothly 100% ,  then we will update the Bonus Guides as soon as we can.  We hope to get them done within the first couple of month of Cataclysm.
  7. So if I purchase your guide right now I am 100% covered for Cataclysm?
    Correct 🙂

I hope this clear things up,  if you have any more question regarding our Cataclysm update or anything else don’t hesitate to post your question in the comment section below.


    100 replies to "Cataclysm Update Announcement"

    • Auron

      Can’t wait for Heart Of The Swarm details.But it is kinda sad that we can’t expect nothing from Blizz in 2011,not even D3 🙁

    • Stian

      Hi Dugi!

      i just wanted to add that i would have paid trippel for this guid, and its god daam worth it, so if anyone has a problem on how you run your business they should think again, even if the wording is off, you need to run a healty and profit based business so we can enjoy your R&D for this fantastic guid. and i totaly support taht you have to draw the line somewhere.

      GO DUGI!!!!! your guid is AWESOME!!!

    • Michelle


      I don’t know which side of this debate I fall on cause I purchased both sides + bonuses and dailies on May 23, 2010. After reading this back in July, I had the hope that Blizzard would release Cata in November and up until yesterday that seemed very likely. Now I find it likely to be pushed back to early December. So I miss the deadline by like 2 weeks give or take.

      What would be helpful to me (and maybe to others) as now being a customer who falls between the December 2008 through May 2010 time period who will have to pay for the cata guides would be to know what you’re going to offer brand new customers who buy it AFTER Cata has already been released. (I paid $87 for example as a new customer) Are you going to charge them about the same prices as usual for being a new customer (plus/minus any incentive package you might offer at time)? Or are brand new customers also paying just 20-30 dollars?

      If they are paying 20 or 30 dollars then yes I’d fall to the side of.. that’s unfair. If 20-30 dollars is the price to existing customers only who fall into the ‘you have to pay’ category, then I’m fine with it. It’s just my tough luck that I bought it when I did and didn’t wait another 3 weeks or so :p.

      On an entirely different note. I’ve tried several leveling packages over the years and I have to say that Dugi’s Guide is by far the BEST product out there of its kind. Entirely unique, and FUN to use. I started leveling my other characters I haven’t touched just because its fun to use. 🙂 Thanks for putting out a quality product that makes me feel like I got my money’s worth.

      • DugisGuide

        Thank you for your positive feed back 🙂

        Since Cataclysm have been announced to release on Dec 7th now, and we are offering a 6 month grace period for all our guides. We will make it so that everyone who purchased after June 7th will receive the free updates.

    • Amused

      Man I purchased Foxtel 2years ago and I had to pay for my installation. Now the bastards are offering Free installation! What the ****! ive been loyal for 2years! After reading this thread im going to make an aggressive phone call and demand that the money I paid 2years ago be refunded because their current special is unfair and whilst its there to attract new business I now feel that all the loyal customers from 2 years ago got ripped off!

      For that matter, Im going to save all information about things I buy from now on and wait for them to go on promo, then demand my refund. Harvey Norman i’m after you next!

    • Graham

      str4l1f3, I think you might find that offer is a scam to get your acct number and password for hacking purposes. Go check your account, if it it has not already been stripped,change your password immediately. I saw the same deal, got sucked in then realized my mistake and took swift corrective action. No hacking took place

    • str4l1f3

      this is not as important as any of u suggest but ive been applied for the cataclysm beta and it say i need to download the beta client but how?
      pls dugi u no alot xd can u help no one seem’s to no =)

    • DugisGuide

      I have already contacted Jim directly, I will leave this thread open but I won’t be making any further comment.

    • Paradox

      I apologize if by taking quotes out of context, I misrepresented the meaning. This apology extends to anyone I quoted. In all cases I thought that I was fair but it seems in at least one case I was wrong.

      I won’t try to argue that you have been inconsistant. If I misunderstood and misrepresented one of your posts that is entirely my own fault and I regret that misinterpretation. You have indeed been very clear and to the point.

      “Secondly, It was Dugi’s own admission on keeping his prices high and offering new content as “free” that I commented on as finding dishonest. I did not suggest he personally was dishonest, just the business practice of what he had freely admitted to. ”

      I differ from you in that I don’t really see and dishonesty in the business practice Dugi described, but I don’t presume my view is any more accurate than yours. And, yes, I understood that you were not suggesting that Dugi was therefore dishonest, only the policy.

      “I do firmly believe the LIFETIME debate was indeed muddying the waters around the cost of the update, my reason for using it in a further comment was to highlight a general issue where, even something so blindingly obvious, has been discarded and argued away as trivial.”

      Fair enough. I don’t think it was argued away as trivial(he did, after all, link the 2009 webpage), but I won’t quibble about this. Simple case of agree to disagree.

      Petty? Yep. If your whole point was to highlight the pettiness of bringing it up in the first place, I concede that. I, too, was surprised to see that mentioned in a post which seemed otherwise pretty reasonable. I’m sure we disagree on just how reasonable the rest of the post was.

      “I am not cancelling my membership out of spite, I am cancelling it because after all the comments and reply’s I have decided that I do not wish to further line the pockets of a company that treats me and others in such a way.”

      I just think its a shame that someone who was more than willing to pay $20 a few days ago for a product that he really likes has found himself in a situation where he won’t have anything to do with it anymore. Regardless of the reasons, its just sad. My advice is to sleep on it. No. Better yet, slay a dragon or two.

      “I fail to see how doing so could be seen in anyway as a means to impress you. If the thought even crossed your mind then I can only conclude that you were impressed, and if so all I can say is, your easily impressed :-S”


      Seriously, I’m sorry if you got the impression that Dugi is being dismissive. I’m sorry if I came across catty. If I misunderstood some things, be assured that I did not mean to misrepresent anything anyone said.

      That said, I do sympathize with Dugi’s position in that there is now way he can satisfy everyone. It would be a disaster to charge new people the full price knowing that they would soon be required to pay another $20 upgrade fee. But how do you promote reducing the price then charging update fee?

      “Buy now for a reduced price, but when Cataclysm comes you will be asked to pay an additional 20 dollars!”


      “Get Dugi Guide now for just $27.00 **”

      ** Price does not include $20.00 upgrade fee.

      It just doesn’t work. And I do stand by my impression that you or others here are suggesting that Dugi can’t ever provide a promotional deal without offending current members. I think that is an unfair expectation and that its unfortunate that you feel so strongly about it that you would cancel your membership.

      • Paradox

        the above is meant as a reply to Jim

        • Jim

          My reply to you got deleted, not sure why, but thank you for your response to it.

          • Jim

            oops sorry, just saw it was re-added..thanks Dugi.

    • Blackthought

      …uhhh HOLY ****.
      Seriously Dugi you’re doing the right thing.
      There are guides and sites out there that require MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP FEES DUGIS is not one of them. For those arguing about feeling ripped off take this into consideration
      You play wow, blizzard provides you updates to content, new patches, etc, etc. You paid 40-60 bucks for the game and continue to pay 15 bucks a month for access and updates

      Dugi only asked for the 40-60 upfront.

      When blizzard comes out with an expansion you run your happy *** out and pick it up dishing $60 more bucks and next month bet your behind you’ll be paying $15 bucks to access it again.

      When Dugi drops an expansion(because that’s what he’s doing) he asks for 40-60 bucks and then you get free access month after month.

      Do you see blizzard telling people buying the current battlechest that if they buy it NOW, they will get Cataclysm FREE? No. you don’t see that do you.

      Your arguments are made moot by the VERY GAME YOU PLAY. NOT seeing that is silly.

      I’ve played since Vanilla, does this entitle me to a free Cataclysm upgrade? I’ve been in the forums, i’ve provided insight, played betas, spoken to GM’s.

      Grow up, pay your dues and level up quicker than shyt. It’s as simple as that.

    • Paradox

      From what I see, many or most of the posts that are critical of this policy suggest that everyone should pay the same upgrade fee:

      Jim says:
      July 26, 2010 at 2:23 am
      “I can understand why, as some people are arguing the upgrade should be free to everyone…which is not something I agree with. My position is it should not be free to anyone.”

      Dave says:
      July 24, 2010 at 4:03 am
      “I think you shoud remove this incentive, or as previously suggested, adopt a consistent approach and offer all those that have already bought the product being offered to new customers today the same deal.”

      Emmy says:
      July 24, 2010 at 11:17 am
      “I can understand not offering the Cataclysm update for free, but this really is kind of a slap in the face”

      Patrick says:
      July 24, 2010 at 11:05 am
      “I do not mind if i have to pay for the update, because if it is anything like its predecessor it will be worth the fee. What i meant was that if you charge your loyal customers, who stuck by you during all your recent problems, then fairly you should charge everyone.”

      Jim says:
      July 24, 2010 at 3:10 pm
      “The issue is the offer of a free upgrade to new customers, i think the lifetime debate is just muddying the waters here.”

      Steve says:
      July 24, 2010 at 10:25 am
      “What are you talking about Costa? Nobody here is complaining about having to pay for it, we’re complaining about the fact that new customers get it free.”


      Lets be clear. Based on the pre-2008 marketing promise, charging these people for the upgrade is simply not an option. I think Dugi has shown that no such promise made in 2009. That leaves the issue of what to charge the new customers. Initially, Jim and others said basically that it made better business sense to lower the price then charge an upgrade fee so that new customers would end up paying the same:

      Jim says:
      July 24, 2010 at 5:07 am
      “Dropping the price and charging an update fee is absolutely the correct thing to do.”

      dave says:
      July 24, 2010 at 5:15 am
      “i agree, option 1 is by far the best option. Option 2 is not the same as 1 morally (possibly even legally)”

      Jim then suggests that if Dugi doesn’t adopt Jim’s marketing strategy he is somehow being dishonest.

      “Artificially keeping the price of the product high and not implementing price errosion over time, purely to market something as “free” is in my opinion a dishonest practice”

      Later, Jim and others suggest that this is still too generous.

      Emmy says:
      July 24, 2010 at 11:31 am
      “It is perfectly fair for a new customer to be charged full price for the guides before the launch of Cataclysm.”

      Jim says:
      July 24, 2010 at 4:23 am
      “All I am asking for is consistency, either make it a cost upgrade to all, or free to all (those with current lifetime upgrade status excepted).”

      Jim’s free business advice seems to be that Dugi should never give an incentive to new customers. He and others have gone beyond this to argue that to do so is to cheat or insult those who had to pay for the cata upgrade. EVEN though they don’t mind paying the 20 fee. “Its the principle of it.”

      Others suggest that no-one should have to pay because the word “LIFETIME” may or may not have appeared somewhere.

      Jim, If you read this, I hope you can understand that Dugi has been placed in an impossible situation. He must charge everyone $20. He must not charge anyone $20. He should reduce the price and then charge everyone except the pre-2009 members $20. Dugi can’t ever reduce the price below 67 dollars. Dugi MUST reduce the price to reflect normal price erosion. Others think he got is spot-on.

      It should be clear that Dugi can’t satisfy all of your concerns. Yet he or his policy has been described as “creepy,” dishonest, lacking integrity or foolish.

      Jim, if you get the sense that Dugi is losing patience with you it might be because you have suggested that he is dishonest or lacks integrity. Furthermore, after having agreeing that the “lifetime debate is just muddying the waters,” you bring it up on July 28 as basis for criticism. In the same message you make grandiose ultimatums demanding that policy is changed so that new members don’t get an incentive.

      “If the policy to provide this upgrade to new customers free of charge is kept, I will, out of principle, no longer purchase any additional material, upgrades or otherwise.”

      Don’t then say that “My comments where only ever meant to offer advice”. Read them over again. And you conclude on a petty note:

      Jim says
      “I dont know why you felt the need to call out the number of posts I have submitted, but you have miscalculated, it was 10 not 11, this is the 11th.”

      And Jim follows this with a spiteful request to have his membership canceled, as if he was proving some sort of point which should impress us all.

      • Jim

        If you are going to quote me Paradox, please have the decency to use the quotes in context. In every single comment that I have made, I have been consistent in that new customers should not be getting the update for free when existing customers are being charged. If new customers are to get it for free then so should existing customers, although I do not believe this is the correct way forward and, in my opinion everyone should pay (i have said this more than once). I was not changing my mind, nor being inconsistent. I was adding additional context around reply’s from Dugi and others. This is after all the nature of a debate.

        Secondly, It was Dugi’s own admission on keeping his prices high and offering new content as “free” that I commented on as finding dishonest. I did not suggest he personally was dishonest, just the business practice of what he had freely admitted to.

        I do firmly believe the LIFETIME debate was indeed muddying the waters around the cost of the update, my reason for using it in a further comment was to highlight a general issue where, even something so blindingly obvious, has been discarded and argued away as trivial.

        Yes, my comment on the number of posts was petty, and as equally as petty as Dugi mentioning the number of posts I had contributed to this debate in such a way. I am glad to see it came accross as intended.

        I am not cancelling my membership out of spite, I am cancelling it because after all the comments and reply’s I have decided that I do not wish to further line the pockets of a company that treats me and others in such a way. I fail to see how doing so could be seen in anyway as a means to impress you. If the thought even crossed your mind then I can only conclude that you were impressed, and if so all I can say is, your easily impressed :-S

    • Jim


      Maybe its time to lock this thread. Its clear that you will not move on this issue. Its also clear, that for whatever reason, there are a lot of people that have been confused on the use of the word LIFETIME. It seems a pointless exercise to keep stating what you “meant” by the term, when its obvious theres been a communication breakdown on what many people have understood is meant by LIFETIME. If it was just 1 person you coud argue its their own fault, but there are too many with the same understanding for it to not to be a shared mistake on both your and their part. If I were you I would consider changing the terminology to help prevent future misunderstandings (and I dont mean buring the explanation in T&C’s which no-one ever reads).However sadly, my gut feels this will be just another post that will get argued away, as (and I am sorry to say this), despite your words to the contrary, your actions,IMHO, show a lack of any real care for resolving your customers concerns.

      • DugisGuide

        Its not in my nature to be a dictator and lock post to save face because I have confident with how I run my business.

        You’re throwing me a curve ball Jim and you skipped my last response to you, I though the lifetime debate is just muddying the water but now you found something else to complaint about. We can’t change the terminology on our sales page if it doesn’t exist.

        Most customers understand the message in the members area 1-80 Leveling Guide LIFETIME means 1-80 and not 1-85. However I have made a change to the lifetime message to prevent this confusion from ever happening again.

        Over the years I have dealt with thousands of customers and I will always take the time to interact with them directly. You have no idea the total number of customers that we have, just about all the complaints that we have received posted in this blog and few contacted me directly via email.

        Your definition of too many is different than mine.

        If you count the number customer on this blog (11 post by Jim) it makes up a very very small fraction of our total customers, its not even close to 0.01% and people generally only post if they have a problem.

        When you deal with this many people there will be complaints no matter what you do, some customers will always refuse to take no for an answer. While some customers like to tell us how to run our business.. you have to remember we are the one with the actual experience of running our own business and so we will consider suggestions and address concern but if we apply every suggestions to address customer concerns our business will run to the ground.

        Resolving our customers concerns is always our #1 priority however you need to accept that you are by far the minority.

        I really don’t know why you are so persistent in depriving other customer with a small amount of discount when it won’t affect you or any other customer in the same position as you.

        • Jim

          I’m sorry Dugi, I dont understand why your being hostile to me now. My comments where only ever meant to offer advice. I apologise for spending so much of my time trying to make you look at this from a different angle. It was not meant to come accross as idle complaining, although it is clear this is the way you have taken this (and I assume everyone elses concerns). I am surprised that with over 28,000 customers there have not been considerably more comments here offering you their support, I assume this is your silent majority.

          But in answer to your question, “I really don’t know why you are so persistent in depriving other customer with a small amount of discount when it won’t affect you or any other customer in the same position as you.”. It is because I believe in principle, I believe, the minority (as you put it) are as important as the majority. I believe in truth, honesty and integrity. That is why I persist.

          On a final note, I dont know why you felt the need to call out the number of posts I have submitted, but you have miscalculated, it was 10 not 11, this is the 11th. But here is an easier number for you….1. This is the number of customers you can now reduce your total customers by. Please cancel my “LIFETIME” membership, remove my account and remove me from any mailing lists you may have me on. My email used within this reply is the same as my account email. I am dismayed by the way you view and treat your “minority” customers and I will be taking my custom, and my money elsewhere.

    • Robbie Shaw

      Hello Dugi,

      When i bought this guide during christmas-when your old videos were still up of leveling and such- i was under the impression that i get updates for anything that would come along such as in this case, Cataclysm, and i’m not complaining about a price of 20$ for an update for 5 levels but i think its a bit unfair to charge people who have already bought this guide before this announcement about “buying after this post gets you free update to cata” they are paying what we’ve payed already and for people who bought in between November and this post are paying 20$’s more then most people are going to such as

      Old Customer : 47$ at the time PLUS 20$ for Cataclysm update
      New Customer : 47$ now PLUS Cataclysm update, for free

      please correct me if i am wrong about my assumption

      • DugisGuide

        Please tell me how you were under the impression that cataclysm update will be include. The promise of update of any kind did not exist on our sales page at the time of your purchase, however we will update level 1-80 guide for free to ensure that your guide will always work.

        New customers will receive a free update because they have less time to use the guide. You need to see it like this,

        Old Customer : 47$ for over 1 Year of Use PLUS 20$ for Cataclysm update
        New Customer : 47$ for 6 or less Month of Use PLUS Cataclysm update.

        Offering free updates to all customers is not an option, if we were to change our policy you would still need to pay the update fee for the cataclysm content.

    • TiaMaster

      I’ve been a member for a long time, even since before the 2008 cutoff. Then I created a new account at the beginning of 2009, and didn’t think at all that I would have problems when the new expansion came out because the website, email, and members area all say “LIFETIME”.

      I don’t CARE about semantics, so don’t even bring it up. Less than 1% of people actually post on forums, the rest out there don’t care about wording, they only think that they will have a Lifetime membership. Which when the game turns in to Cataclysm, they will not.

      “Lifetime” doesn’t mean a product suddenly doesn’t go any further.

      Dugi, saying “But we want Lifetime to mean level-one-through-level-eighty Lifetime. The REAL Lifetime is the people who signed up before November 2008 or new members” sounds very shady like some have said, and will be HUGELY disappointing to those that it surprises.

      I have been a proponent of this guide forever, causing four others to purchase it also. They are not the type to obsessively check their email for Dugi’s Guide spam, nor the website for new information. They have no reason to believe the guide will not work in Cata, and I will have to tell them, “Oh, you hafta pay again – you didn’t sign up between November 2008 and June 2010.”

      Successful product marketing isn’t arguing semantics with your customers on your website, or making them go read the fine print…its making them feel satisfied, and not screwed. I am looking at my member’s page right now, and I clearly see “LIFETIME”. I do NOT see “LIFETIME as long as you understand that means paying again when there are expansions.”

      • Euan

        Yeah, and guess what? The products you have WILL be lifetime. You have the 1-80 guide, not the 1-85 guide. What the pre-November 08 customers paid for was “This product and all future products”. Since then you’ve paid for “this product”. I joined back in 06, before TBC. I signed up to a 1-60 guide. That product ain’t around anymore. Neither is the 1-70 guide. Capiche?

        It’s like how you pay for wow. You get lifetime updates, but if you want the expansion content you pay for it.

      • DugisGuide

        This is the page in 2009 at the time of your purchase. There is no mention of Lifetime.. infact there is no mentions of any updates at all. We have been very careful about this as we learned from incidents with other guide makers.

        again if you bother to read the faq above, lifetime in the members area means that you will be able to access your product for life.

        This is a definition required by our Membership system so that your account would never expire and you will be able to access the product that you have purchased for life. This does not imply that you’re entitled to free lifetime updates as you would have only seen this message AFTER your purchased, so arguement that we have somehow misled our customer into believing that they have lifetime update to purchase our guide is false.

        • TiaMaster

          You are not getting it at all….I already TOLD you nobody gives a **** about wording and semantics, besides people like the guy above who just likes to argue.

          The simple fact is you are having to argue on your own website to try and convince people they should feel satisfied. You are in defensive mode, and this is not how to market a successful product.

          Figure out just what will ENTICE people for the new expansion, NOT what will drive them away.

          Don’t try to tell me or anyone else that the word “LIFETIME” (yes, its all in caps on your website) on the membership page is there simply to clarify how long you have access to the product that you bought. Can you point out some other product that a person purchases that needs to have how long they will own it clarified? When you buy something, it isn’t for 30 days, or some limited amount of time – THAT is called a subscription. On that same page, the column heading says “Period”, like you need to be clear the purchase doesn’t suddenly expire or something. Do some things you sell expire, making this a necessity?


          I don’t have any problem with adjusting the system so that things are the same for each of your customers across the board, then talking to your community to see how things should be described on the site. But doing it this way creates confusion because some people get this, some that, and some something else.
          The people commenting about how everything is fine and dandy and clear as a bell aren’t the majority, but instead only part of the whole.

          • DugisGuide

            Most customers understand the message 1-80 Leveling Guide LIFETIME means 1-80 and not 1-85. However I have made a change to the lifetime message to prevent this confusion from ever happening again.

    • dramdennis

      I agree completely with Caaclismic. Was the guide worth it to you? If it wasn’t you would have got your money back inside the trial time period. I purchased the guide and loved it and kept it.
      I am self-employed and know from experience that you can’t please everyone all the time. There will always be some one who will want more. Face it. Life isn’t fair. Being self imployed I know that Dugi has to make money. Giving this guide away for free means he is doing all this work for nothing. Everyone has to understand that Dugi has bills to pay just like all of us. Demanding all this stuff for free isn’t paying any bills. Just ask yourself. Was I satisfied with the product? Did I get what I paid for? If you answered these questions yes then you got your money’s worth.
      As far as giving away free upgrades is a marketing tool to get more people to buy. This is a part of business. A business need new customers to keep going. I don’t think Dugi is being unfair at all.


    • Cataclismic

      Wow. I just felt the need to weigh in…

      All of this complaining over what Dugi is offering to new customers. My compliments to Dugi for taking the high road with amazing patience.

      Do you hop on a jet and take a poll on how much each person paid for their seat only to go back to the airlines to complain if someone paid less?

      The questions that matter are: Did you get what you paid for? Was it worth it? Are you satisfied with the product?

      I’m sure Dugi spends an amazing amout of time going through game, coding and testing. This is his business, and he is entitled to offer whatever promotion he wants.

      Just my 2c worth

      Thanks Dugi!

    • Paradox

      I commend Dugi on a great tool and saintly patience. Someone will surely correct me, but it seems to me that a lot of the criticisms are of the nature “I don’t mind paying, but new people should not get anything for free. It’s all about principal.”
      I simply cannot see how offering new customers a special deal in a unique situation, (whether we call it an update, upgrade or expansion), should be taken so personally as a “slap in the face.” We have benefited from a good product which has offered very reliable service. I expect most everyone here agrees. Dugi could have gone a couple ways with this:

      1. Reduce the current price and charge an update fee for new customers or
      2. Keep the current price and include cataclysm update to new customers as part of the purchase.

      They decided to use the 2nd option.

      Does this choice (2nd option) make the most sense based on common marketing/business practices? Clearly it could be argued either way but why bother? I can’t see how this strategy signifies a lack of integrity or creepiness. “unfairness” is extremely important when it represents mistreatment of someone. The idea that one person’s benefit represents harm to me seems rather absurd (Not unlike the idea that letting homosexuals marry somehow cheapens or jeopardized my own marriage). I suggest that anyone who does not feel they are being charged unjustly should excuse him or herself from this line of criticism. If you think you should not have to pay, I’m sure Dugi is more than willing to discuss your concerns.

    • Daved

      yep I actually gave the Windows example a couple of days (and a thousand comments ago)…LOL

    • Felipe Araujo

      WoW guys, if you’re all into examples, then take windows as an example too, when they’re close to the release of a new version, they ALWAYS offer free updates to the new customers, no one complains, because is well known and fair enough for both the new customers and the old ones, they also offer smaller upgrade fees for old customers.
      I really don’t see the reason anyone would get so upset with this.

    • Lee


      I feel your current offer is well reasoned and sound. I see where the wording could be a confusing, not overtly.

      Thanks for a great guide for a great game.

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