Hi everyone! please accept my apologies for the lack of announcement from us about Dugi Guides update for Battle for Azeroth. We have been extremely busy with updating the addon and creating the new level 110-120 leveling guides for the new expansion.
The good news is that we’re on track on completing both BFA Horde and Alliance leveling guide in time for the expansion release on August 14th. We will make sure you are updated and ready with the new 110-120 leveling guides a few of days before BFA release.
Patch 8.0, the pre-expansion patch for Battle for Azeroth, is scheduled for July 17th (US) / July 18th (EU)
IMPORTANT! (EU Players only) Dugi Guide addon will not work EU servers on July 17. EU players will need to wait until July 18th to update. Disable automatic updates if you use the Dugi Installer.
Since the EU server is one day behind, the new version of Dugi Guides will not work with the EU servers until it is updated to patch 8.0 and unfortunately we are currently not able to offer older versions of Dugi for Dugi due to changes to the paid guides.
In the pre-expansion patch, all players will be able to experience the Burning of Teldrassil storyline, known in-game as the War of the Thorns. This event will be split up among several weeks.
Burning of Teldrassil event guide will be available on July 17th and I highly recommend you complete it for the mount reward as it might NOT be available after BFA is released.
The event will also award each faction with one mount: War-Torn Reins of the Undercity Plaguebat and
Smoldering Reins of the Teldrassil Hippogryph.
More information on patch 8.0 changes can be found here.
Enjoy the new patch!
43 replies to "IMPORTANT! Pre-Expansion Patch 8.0 Update"
Bonjour il semblerai que l’addon ne fonctionne pas correctement avec l’addon Handy note
Hey, Still having issues with the quests not auto tracking. I have turned it off and on reloaded the add-on, but still no luck..anyone else having this issue
@Jennifer McInnes – thanks for the tip, you are correct! I disabled Tom Tom and voila, DG began loading up. I’ve been experiencing conflict with DG and Tom Tom, so this makes sense.
Hi everyone I have discovered(after sending an email) that it is the Tom Tom add-on that has caused the problem. Iurned the add-on off and Dugi was working.
7/18/18 @ 3:15PM PST in California. My Dugi installer is 1.3.7
I’ve reinstalled (clicked on “reinstall” button) and when I get on WoW, it still says “loading 0%”
Guide doesn’t load at all, remains at 0% all the time (US server)
Hi can you test with only Dugi Guides enabled, it might be conflict with another addon. There is a known issue with older version of TomTom and maybe others
works!! thank you
Even for the item upgrades there is no pic of the items, all the boxes are blank.
Guide doesn’t load. Stuck on 0%. I am on US servers.
Hi can you test with only Dugi Guides enabled, it might be conflict with another addon. There is a known issue with older version of TomTom and maybe others
Guide won’t load at all. Stuck on 0% loading. I am on an EU server
Hi can you test with only Dugi Guides enabled, it might be conflict with another addon. There is a known issue with older version of TomTom and maybe others
Guide never load in 8.x, using latest version of the guide, reinstall guide did not help.
Will not work with the latest patch too many problems to list. Some of the main issues are gear suggestion feature is broken will not lead me to my objective
EU server, 09:17 GMT, reinstalled complete guide as per a suggestion, stuck on dugi loading in game.
it’s patch day, i know there will be chaos, this is just for your info.
For EU when we can use it ?
You should be able to use it tomorrow after WoW server update to 8.0
I have updated and reinstalled and it just sitting there loading on the screen???
are you on a US server or EU ? Latest version of Dugi wont work until tommorow for EU servers
Yea the patch is live now, but no new updates. Any ETA? Guide won’t even show up in game. I’m US btw
It should be working now, try reinstalling if doesn’t work.
Thank you guys for all your hard work, your addon is invaluable to me and works perfectly.
WoW became active at 2:00 pm est U.S. and Dugi is in the not working Addon’s catagory (it is now 3:30 pm) Sorry to be the bearer of this news.
I can’t even pull the addon up…/dugi config not working
Thank you very much for your fantastic work. Success. 😁👍🤩
Thanks for the update.
I think you forgot the word not in your last sentence. wasn’t it supposed to say, “Burning of Teldrassil event guide will be available on July 17th and I highly recommend you complete it for the mount reward as it might NOT be available after BFA is released.”
Any ways looking forward to the new guide’s. 😀
fixed and thank you