World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 has added a racial questline for Orcs to earn their Heritage Armor set. Dugi guides covers what you need to get the quest, and the rewards that you can expect to receive, including your Orc Heritage Armor.
You can find the Heritage guide under the Achievement > Dragonflight > Feats of Strength section


This questline is a racial activity for Orcs only. You have to be on an Orc character to pick it up and complete the quest. There are three basic requirements for this questline:
- You must be an Orc
- You must be level 50 or above
- You must have Exalted reputation with Orgrimmar
Once you meet these requirements, find Eitrigg in Orgrimmar and pick up the offered quest, A People in Need of Healing

This questline is a racial activity for Humans only. You have to be on an Human character to pick it up and complete the quest. There are three basic requirements for this questline:
- You must be an Human
- You must be level 50 or above
- You must have Exalted reputation with Stormwind
Once you meet these requirements, find Master Matthias Shaw in Stormwind and pick up the offered quest, An Urgent Matter.
Enjoy the guides!
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