Hi everyone a friendly reminder that the WoW Noblegarden event will be live on April 21st – 28th. This is an event that celebrates the WoW version of easter.
This is a simple event and we don’t offer an in-game guide for it. The best guide is available here at wowhead.
Finding Brightly Colored Eggs can be found during the event. Horde players can find them in Brill, Bloodhoof Village, Falconwing Square, and Razor Hill. Alliance players can find eggs in Kharanos, Goldshire, Dolanaar, and Azure Watch. Don’t forget to equip your Egg Basket to speed up collection!
All of the Noblegarden items can be found in one of the eggs, except for the Tome of Polymorph: Rabbit and Noblegarden Egg. Don’t forget to collect all of them items that you need to complete Noble Gardener if you are going for the What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been achievement!
Special rewards:
- New to 2014 is the
Mystical Spring Bouquet, a non-combat vanity pet that costs 100
Noblegarden Chocolate.
- the Swift Springstrider, which can be purchased for Noblegarden Chocolate x 500. The mount is also very rarely found inside the Brightly Colored Eggs
- Spring Rabbit’s Foot (companion) can be randomly found in an egg.
- Other rewards can be purchased with Noblegarden Chocolate from the Noblegarden Vendor
Good luck and have fun!
2 replies to "Noblegarden (Easter) Event Guide 2014"
The link you posted is to last year’s guide
@Ronald that not a problem it stil as it is last year & year`s before