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  • #166877

      gerardm23 said:

      Hi i have uploaded the video of what is happening with the guides,hopefully this helps a bit ,i can confirm i only have dugi guides along with elvui&tsm loaded.
      Thank you.The link for the video is as follows:-

      can you try to reduce your other addon to just one, and see if the issue persist. Does it happen if its just Dugi + ElvUI  etc. That way we can narrow it down. 

      Can you also show the addon menu so see the list of addon loaded. I see there’s an addon called Details loaded aswell 

      Also I kept asking does it happen with just Dugi loaded on its own. 


        WoW 8.2.5 broke a lot of addons.  I’ve been enabling one addon at a time with Dugi Guides 8.772 and only 2 other addons enabled: SlideBar(lib) and Swatter(lib) (to shows bugs w/additional backtracing).  So far I’ve not had any more issues with Dugi Guides until I enable Out of date addons.


          jmneth1 said:

          WoW 8.2.5 broke a lot of addons.  I’ve been enabling one addon at a time with Dugi Guides 8.772 and only 2 other addons enabled: SlideBar(lib) and Swatter(lib) (to shows bugs w/additional backtracing).  So far I’ve not had any more issues with Dugi Guides until I enable Out of date addons.

          if you can find the right combo that will break dugi we should be able to fix it. 


            Hi i have disabled all addons with only dugi guides running and the following screenshot is what i have found happens.The dugi arrow is missing.Ive been out working all day today sorry for the late reply.I was suspecting tsm to be the addon causing issues but its disabled as well.This screenshot only has the guides running after typing /dugi fix.

              Getting two errors with 8.774, been having the same issue as gerardm23 with guides not really loading correctly, this error comes up first when i turn the guides on and off with the DG yellow button

              Date: 2019-09-27 19:42:54

              ID: 1
              Error occured in: Global
              Count: 1
              Message: …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua line 113:
                 table index is nil
                 [C]: ?
                 …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua:113: GetNPCDataById()
                 …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua:7: func()
                 DugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:170: foreach()
                 …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua:6: Load()
                 DugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:359: ReloadModules()
                 …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5137: TurnOn()
                 …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:6740: func()
                 …gisGuideViewerZLibsDropDownMenuUIDropDownMenu.lua:816: LibDugi_UIDropDownMenuButton_OnClick()
                 [string “*:OnClick”]:1:
                    [string “*:OnClick”]:1
              errMsg = “…ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua:113: table index is nil”
              tsmErrMsg = nil
              oldModule = nil
              private = <table> {
               AddonBlockedEvent = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:334
               num = 0
               ErrorHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:116
               hitInternalError = false
               errorFrame = <unnamed> {
               origErrorHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDecursiveDcr_DIAG.lua:590
               FormatErrorMessageSection = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:349
               SanitizeString = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:342
               errorReports = <table> {
               IsTSMAddon = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:312
               localLinesTemp = <table> {
               GetStackInfo = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:280
              MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 50
              TSM = <table> {
                Swatter, v8.2.6377 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                Altoholic, vr191
                Arh, v2.0
                AtlasLoot, vv8.10.00
                AtlasLootBattleforAzeroth, vv8.10.00
                AtlasLootBurningCrusade, vv8.10.00
                AtlasLootCataclysm, vv8.10.00
                AtlasLootClassic, vv8.10.00
                AtlasLootLegion, vv8.10.00
                AtlasLootMistsofPandaria, vv8.10.00
                AtlasLootWarlordsofDraenor, vv8.10.00
                AtlasLootWrathoftheLichKing, vv8.10.00
                AucAdvanced, v8.2.6430 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                AucFilterBasic, v8.2.6364 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                AucScanData, v8.2.6365 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                AucStatHistogram, v8.2.6366 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                AucStatiLevel, v8.2.6370 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                AucStatPurchased, v8.2.6367 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                AucStatSimple, v8.2.6399 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                AucStatStdDev, v8.2.6369 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                AucUtilFixAH, v8.2.6371 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                BeanCounter, v8.2.6422 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                DataStore, vr66
                DataStoreAgenda, vr30
                DataStoreAuctions, vr51
                DataStoreCharacters, vr44
                DataStoreContainers, vr60
                DataStoreCrafts, vr83
                DataStoreCurrencies, vr39
                DataStoreGarrisons, vr25
                DataStoreInventory, vr54
                DataStoreMails, vr53
                DataStorePets, vr45
                DataStoreQuests, vr47
                DataStoreReputations, vr44
                DataStoreSpells, vr33
                DataStoreStats, vr32
                DataStoreTalents, vr62
                DBMCore, v8.2.21
                DBMDefaultSkin, v
                DBMSpellTimers, v
                DBMStatusBarTimers, v
                Decursive, v2.7.6.4
                DugisGuideViewerZ, v8.774
                Enchantrix, v8.2.6428 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                GatherMate2, v1.45.4
                Grid2, vr916
                Grid2LDB, vr916
                Grid2RaidDebuffs, vr916
                HandyNotes, vv1.5.7
                HandyNotesBattleForAzerothTreasures, v1
                HandyNotesBrokenShore, vv1.31
                HandyNotesDraenorTreasures, v1.21
                HandyNotesDungeonLocations, v1.48
                HandyNotesHigherLearning, v8.0.0.0
                HandyNotesLegionRaresTreasures, v1.1
                HandyNotesLegionTreasures, v1
                HandyNotesLorewalkers, v1
                HandyNotesTimelessIsleChests, v1.21
                HandyNotesWarfrontRares, v0.5.0
                Informant, v8.2.6374 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                MacroBank, v1.12
                MasterPlanA, vA
                NPCScan, v8.0.1.13
                Pawn, v2.2.46
                Postal, vv3.6.0
                Recount, vv8.2.5a
                SilverDragon, vv4.0.17
                SilverDragonBattleForAzeroth, vv4.0.17
                SilverDragonBurningCrusade, vv4.0.17
                SilverDragonCataclysm, vv4.0.17
                SilverDragonLegion, vv4.0.17
                SilverDragonMists, vv4.0.17
                SilverDragonVanilla, vv4.0.17
                SilverDragonWarlords, vv4.0.17
                SilverDragonWrath, vv4.0.17
                Simulationcraft, v1.12.2
                Skada, v1.7.6
                SlideBar, v8.2.6375 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                StatWeightScore, v8.1.1
                Stubby, v8.2.6376 (SwimmingSeadragon)
                TradeSkillMaster, vv4.8.10
                WeakAuras, v2.15.1
                BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v8.2.5.80205 <none>

                This second error comes up after typing /dugi fix and guides wont load stuck at 95%

                Date: 2019-09-27 19:44:04

                ID: 1
                Error occured in: Global
                Count: 1
                Message: ..AddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua line 435:
                …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua line 113:
                   table index is nilDetailed stack:
                …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua line 113:
                   in function `GetNPCDataById’
                …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua line 7:
                   in function `func’
                ..AddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua line 170:
                   in function `foreach’
                …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua line 6:
                   in function `Load’
                ..AddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua line 223:
                   in function <..AddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:221>
                ..AddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua line 312:
                   in function <..AddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:281>
                ..AddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua line 359:
                   in function `ReloadModules’
                …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua line 1607:
                   in function `function_’
                ..AddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua line 854:
                   in function `RunPostCombatFunctions’
                ..AddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua line 865:
                   in function <..AddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:861>
                   [C]: ?
                   [C]: assert()
                errMsg = “InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:435: thread_dugi-post-combat-invoke:
                …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua:113: table index is nilDetailed stack:
                …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua:113: in function `GetNPCDataById’
                …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua:7: in function `func’
                InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:170: in function `foreach’
                …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua:6: in function `Load’
                InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:223: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:221>
                InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:312: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:281>
                InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:359: in function `ReloadModules’
                …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:1607: in function `function_’
                InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:854: in function `RunPostCombatFunctions’
                InterfaceAddOnsDugistsmErrMsg = nil
                oldModule = nil
                private = <table> {
                 AddonBlockedEvent = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:334
                 num = 0
                 ErrorHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:116
                 hitInternalError = false
                 errorFrame = <unnamed> {
                 origErrorHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDecursiveDcr_DIAG.lua:590
                 FormatErrorMessageSection = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:349
                 SanitizeString = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:342
                 errorReports = <table> {
                 IsTSMAddon = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:312
                 localLinesTemp = <table> {
                 GetStackInfo = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:280
                MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 50
                TSM = <table> {

                  Can you test 8.775 with only Dugi enabled 

                    With just 8.775 installed and everything else disabled once i log in i get this error

                    Message: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:435: thread_Dugi_QUEST_LOG_UPDATE:

                    …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua:113: table index is nilDetailed stack:
                    …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua:113: in function `GetNPCDataById’
                    …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua:7: in function `func’
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:170: in function `foreach’
                    …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua:6: in function `Load’
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:223: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:221>
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:312: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:281>
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:359: in function `ReloadModules’
                    …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:1607: in function `function_’
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:848: in function `PostCombatRun’
                    …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:1602: in function `OnLoad’
                    …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5590: in function <…erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5586>
                    Time: Fri Sep 27 20:11:40 2019
                    Count: 1
                    Stack: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:435: thread_Dugi_QUEST_LOG_UPDATE:
                    …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua:113: table index is nilDetailed stack:
                    …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua:113: in function `GetNPCDataById’
                    …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua:7: in function `func’
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:170: in function `foreach’
                    …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua:6: in function `Load’
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:223: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:221>
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:312: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:281>
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:359: in function `ReloadModules’
                    …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:1607: in function `function_’
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:848: in function `PostCombatRun’
                    …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:1602: in function `OnLoad’
                    …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5590: in function <…erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5586>
                    [C]: in function `assert’
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:435: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:422>
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:517: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:501>
                    Locals: (*temporary) = false
                    (*temporary) = “thread_Dugi_QUEST_LOG_UPDATE:
                    …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua:113: table index is nilDetailed stack:
                    …ugisGuideViewerZNPCJournalFrameNPCJournalFrame.lua:113: in function `GetNPCDataById’
                    …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua:7: in function `func’
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:170: in function `foreach’
                    …terfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZCustomGuideNPC.lua:6: in function `Load’
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:223: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:221>
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:312: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:281>
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:359: in function `ReloadModules’
                    …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:1607: in function `function_’
                    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:848: in function `PostCombatRun’
                    …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:1602: in function `OnLoa

                      we’ll fix this up, try running Repair with the installer to fix this issue and don’t use /dugi fix for now 

                      Just want to add I’ve been having the same problem, turning Dugi Guides off, then on again with a reload has been mostly working.
                      I am also having an issue with the in-game map, which won’t allow me to move it so it’s stuck in the middle of my screen. This is not fixed by reload, so I’ve had to be turning it off and just using the arrow, which is working and still movable.
                      Thought I’d mention this as no-one else had.

                      Also for what it’s worth, I tried running Repair in the installer, issues are still occurring.


                        I don’t know if this will help or not but I will tell you what I do to get the guide and pointer map to work every time since it started happening after the new patch. I have not disabled any add-ons. I left click on the dugi button and click essential mode then I left click the dugi button, settings come up. I click frames, then uncheck lock objective tracker and move the tracker approximately to where I want it. Nearly always the tracker is off to the right of the screen, sometimes barely visible. Next I left click the dugi button and click guide mode and reload the user interface. Everything works perfectly after doing this. It stays fixed until I log off and come back in to the game. This may or may not help, but I have not seen any of this in chat.


                          Can also confirm there still is a problem with Dugi loading properly upon initial logon with any server and any toon. Take a /reload each and everytime for Dugi to load and look proper. This is with all addons disabled and not running. I updated to that lastest version of Dugi 8.777. I have tried /dugi fix and /dugi repair multiple times on individual characters. Shut down WoW, and come back into the game….and Dugi is misaligned to last saved location, and the /dugi config is missing options…and background. /Reload…and it’s fine again, until I logout of toon…and go to another toon…and same thing occurs. I switch back to a toon I had fixed with Dugi…and it’s back to not working, and takes another /reload for Dugi to start acting correctly. No addon’s are enabled….except Dugi Guides version 8.777. All previous versions of Dugi Guides was same….after the game 8.25 update.


                            a fresh reinstall after repair with installer and no other addon load  should be working, there has to be some other addon loaded or something else if its not working for you. 

                            if you still have a problem can you please create a screencast with and post it here 

                            So for me at least, it appears the issue is ElvUI. Disabled all addons and Dugi worked, until I switched ElvUI on again. This is a bit of an issue, as I don’t want to have to choose between these two, but the UI would probably win out if it came down to it.
                            Reloading every time is not the end of the world, but the zone map not being able to be moved is kinda frustrating, as I love the zone map, but it’s not good in the centre of the screen obvs.
                            Not sure if this helps you Dugi, or if you can/will fix it to work with another addon. Unfortunately it’s an addon that heaps of people use I think.
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