October 30, 2023 at 2:23 pm
I am sorry for missing this thread, currently there is no guide for this, however, we are all hands on deck fixing errors in Wrath Classic 3.043 which Blizzard introduced quest tracking and as a result it interfered with ours. We are also focusing on the next patch for Retail 10.2.0 and there’s heaps of content for us to get. Once the dust settles I guess I can then focus on the guides for the events for Wrath Classic for next year, this will include all events and holiday events, we could use the wrath classic ptr’s to ensure we get accurate data.
Most of these are super easy to get, but we’ll see how things goes. Also, I will discuss this with Dugi to see what else we can do and or if it’s viable to get done, now will be too late as there’s only a few days left for this event for Hallows End.