If you want to try to solve it yourself until Dugi answers, then maybe this will help.
I couldn’t replicate the issue btw. Tried it on several characters with Build 1.051 and with Mouseover macros, Target macros, Raid marker macros etc. Made some castsequence macros too.
At own risk! Don’t do it if you’re unsure about it, as I don’t want to be the cause of all your addon settings being wiped !
It resets the guide completely if done correctly.
Log out and exit wow
1: Go to “:World of Warcraft_classic_WTF” (make copy of the WTF folder first and save it on the desktop or where you prefer)
3: Type “dugi” in the search field
4: Delete all the dugi *.lua & dugi *lua.bak files
5: Install a fresh copy of Dugi Guides. https://www.dugiguides.com/discussions/#/discussion/15/guide-manual-installation-guide-by-football
Start wow again and log in. The lua files will be created again once you log into your character.
The Guide will be in a completely fresh state, ready to be picked up where you left off. The personal preferences will have to be set again.
I used to have the instructions on the old forum but since “/dugi fix” does the same (to my knowledge), I decided not to repost it on the new forum.