
kjellviz said:

Dugi said:

vendor price on items is usually something added from addons like auctioneer, 

I am also not seeing quest info in tooltips

I’m not sure what you mean 

Sure, I was getting mine from my previous leveling guide however, so switching to Dugi I will now have to install (yet) another addon to get the vendor price alone.
I might install an auctioning addon anyways but consider this, if a quest reward isn’t an upgrade for you, wouldnt you want the quest reward recommendation to recommend the one with the highest vendor value? ;) :D
What I meant about the tooltips is that when I hove my mouse over a mob ingame, I would want to see information that I have now killed 5 out of 8 needed for x quest of this mob type. Not a big deal, can live fine without, but I thought from the settings in the guide that I would see this but I don’t.

This guide is even better as it even shows you a 3d model of the mob. So you have the 3d model + the guide telling you exactly how much you need and how much you already have.