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  • #164479

      Hello Dugi & friends,

      I’ve leveled up a 2x level 60 toons! And I’ve found & faced several errors or outdated steps in the Horde guide(s).

      This thread will be filled up the issues I will face. Atm I’m leveling a horde toon again: Undead mage, so I will update this thread as much as I can, so Dugi can fix it :)

      27-12-2019: The Barrens (22-23) – Step 10

      First of all after step 9 and the guide is switching to step 10. Owatanka is still in the target macro + in the modelviewer. Link to Silithid Harvester:
      Suggestion: This mob is very & extremely rare :( On my first toon I’ve searching this mob for like 3 days! Wasting of my leveling progression and time. Also on my 2nd toon I’ve searched it for 3-4 days! Now I can’t find it either on this 3rd toon! And I quit looking it from now, because it interfere my leveling progression time. So maybe you can mentioned into the guide like: if you don’t find it, then it’s save to skip!
      For people who find & completed it: You’re very Lucky! 😮

        28-12-2019: The Barrens (22-23) – Step 43

        You need to be at the “dead tree”

        Exact coord.: (59,84 – 29,89)

        The Barrens (22-23) – Step 62

        The quest item “Thunderhawk Wings” don’t ONLY drop from the Thunderhawk Cloudscraper but also from Thunderhawk Hatchling & Greater Thunderhawk see also:

        The Barrens (22-23) = Finished! So far every issues I’ve reported in this thread it’s hand-made / leveled: CHECKED


          fixed thank you 

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