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  • #164249

    I had a funny conversation with several people leveling with free guides, available online.
    The interesting thing, some guides where like 100% THE SAME, exact same level range, same quest and so on.

    The discussion came up, as i recognized i’m not leveling any way faster then other guild members or friends, allthough this 37$ guide is “the fastest way possible”.

    So where is the problem? Is it, that this one here is still beta? (based on amount if issues posted all day, every day)
    Is there basically no difference between all the free guides and this one here?

    I’m really confused.


      We had this talk already and I though you said you were happy with the guide? if you want to use free ones then use it and get a refund from us and leave, I don’t want your money if you don’t want me to have it. I’m sick of this patronizing passive aggressive attitude about our guide. Your $37 is not worth it for me to put up with this. 

      The advantage of our guide obviously that it is in-game guide which we have designed and put a lot of work into it and you’re going to compare this with a static guide on a website? 

      You can drive around in a $500 car or you can drive in a $50,000 car, both will get you A to B and if you don’t see value in it then don’t buy the more expensive item. Nobody forced you to spend your money.


      If the only difference is, that this guide is an ingame guide, then i’m sorry to say but yes, i expected way more. + taking into consideration that tons of guides have issues and this is and feels more like a beta (which you deny at all cost, but is proven by threads that are create over and over each day about issues in certain guides).

      Nobody forced you to spend your money.” that’s absolutely right. But also nobody told me, that the “fastest way possible” is actually the same guides as everywhere else.

      If it works i’m happy with it, no doubt!
      But overall there are too many issues (that throw me back again and again) and you know it. Therefore it would have been nice if there is a “early access” discounted “in progress” whatever you want to name it version.

      And not “this is the fastest way possible” if it actually costs you here and there hours more due to wrong navigation, missing steps and so on.

      With an alt character i’ll stick and start 100% with this guide and will give a more detailed experience review. Till then i guess you fixed most of the current issues so leveling is more flawless.

        “Nobody forced you to spend your money.” that’s absolutely right. But also nobody told me, that the “fastest way possible” is actually the same guides as everywhere else.

        Is it faster to read guide on a website or print out and or is it faster to use an addon that automatically progress the guide on its own. You already know the answer. 

        If you expect a discount, the answer is no, if don’t like the guide then don’t use it full stop. The terms was set you agreed to the deal with 60 day guarantee. 

        (which you deny at all cost, but is proven by threads that are create over and over each day about issues in certain guides).

        We never hide the fact that the guide wasn’t finish, we clearly stated this on release and only up to level 1-40 available on launch day etc.  As for these threads over and over again? most of them are from you, there are barely any major issue, most reported issues at mere typos and squashed right away, we’ve been squashing any major bugs before most players are high enough level to even reach the guides.

        Go look at our competitor forum if you really want to see a high level of complaints. 

        With an alt character i’ll stick and start 100% with this guide and will give a more detailed experience review. Till then i guess you fixed most of the current issues so leveling is more flawless.

        Don’t bother, clearly you’re not happy so I’m going to refund you so we can both move on and stop wasting each other’s time. 


          Best Dugi,

          I’m very happy with your guide! I’m still using it, you can check my profile / payment history (since 2010 I’m a proud member!)

          Every penny I’ve spend = Worth to ME!

          Ofc there are some things to tweak & fix… I’m lvl 50 now in Classic (moment of writing this reply).

          An example:

          For me the “Scrimshank’s Surveying Gear” spawned @ this spot while your guide points to another location.

          Keep goin’ and I will still support you :) I hope you will release the “autioneer” a.k.a. Gold Academy for Classic asap ;)

          I am far from a specific fan of any one AddOn vs the next (especially in terms of guides) however, with that being said I can respect the amount of work that a guide such as this takes to create and execute properly.  I have used the other guides and can honestly say that this guide allows for quite a bit more freedom versus some of the others.  The first difference I noticed is flexibility (as in being able to set what zone you want to level in), in the other guides it truly is nowhere near this level of flexibility.  Dugi’s has surprised me at almost every turn (by the way the “find nearest” feature is simply amazing and well used by myself as well as my wife.)
          As a software developer of twenty-six years I can truly respect with what you do with these guides, they are in no way shape or form easy to create, maintaining them alone must be a nightmare, not too mention adding in features whilst working on other parts of the system in conjunction with Dugi’s Guides.
          For anybody ever to think that a project like this will be 100% done seems a little bit off the shelf (at least in my eyes) as I don’t see a project with such a dynamic structure as these guides ever being 100% complete; and to be honest I don’t think ever marking it as 100% complete would be a good ideal.  Personally I like waking up each morning, downloading a fresh guide and seeing what trinket was added, what new feature we are getting today, that is the mark of good software development.
          In short, love the guides, wonderful, don’t stop doing what you have been doing, it will take time but I know someday the guides will get to where you truly want them to be.  Take care of yourself friend!

            lot of tension I feel in this post…oh dear


              tcahuzak said:

              Best Dugi,

              Ofc there are some things to tweak & fix… I’m lvl 50 now in Classic (moment of writing this reply).

              This is now fixed thank you for reporting 

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