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  • #164329

      I play together with another player who also uses Dugi addon to level up.

      The problem arise when we both use the target button. As the target button has no configuration that I have found to use another icon than skull. Thus we both set skulls on targets and it moves around. Can we please get that configurable what icon to use in the target button?

      Also when a quest needs 10 mobA and 8 mobB and I am done with the mobB kind the target button doesn’t change over to only target/mark mobA it will try both still.


        Also as a suggestion you could perhaps have this as the ‘default’ macro for the target button so we get less error messages:

        /run UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
        /console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 0
        /run DugisGuideViewer:MarkTarget()
        /console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 1
        /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
        /run UIErrorsFrame:Show()

          Haha never thought of that, when both are trying to set skull. I do avoid using it in certain groups though.
          Regarding error messages, you can turn them off in the in-game settings:
          ESC->System->Sound: untick “Error Speech”.
            Also when a quest needs 10 mobA and 8 mobB and I am done with the mobB kind the target button doesn’t change over to only target/mark mobA it will try both still.

            Target button will match what is displayed on the model viewer, click on the next or prev button on the model viewer to make it stop rotating the between the models and target button will only target one 

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