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  • #164887
    Today I got an error when I logged into my mage alt.
    My mage alt is currently sitting in Orgrimmar (got logged out after being AFK).
    Message: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGPSArrow.lua:943: attempt to index local ‘frameToBePlaced’ (a nil value)
    Time: Mon Apr 19 19:21:41 2021
    Count: 1
    Stack: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGPSArrow.lua:943: attempt to index local ‘frameToBePlaced’ (a nil value)
    …OnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:758: in function <…OnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:717>
    [C]: ?
    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGPSArrow.lua:943: in function `PlaceOutisideMap’
    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGPSArrow.lua:993: in function `PlaceButtonsOutideMapIfNeeded’
    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGPSArrow.lua:1015: in function `UpdateMerged’
    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZarrow.lua:2071: in function `UPDATE’
    InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZarrow.lua:2028: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZarrow.lua:1609>

    Locals: errMsg = “InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGPSArrow.lua:943: attempt to index local ‘frameToBePlaced’ (a nil value)”
    isBugGrabber = nil
    tsmErrMsg = nil
    oldModule = nil
    private = <table> {
     globalNameTranslation = <table> {
     FormatErrorMessageSection = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:517
     ErrorHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:134
     origErrorHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLSharedBasicControls.lua:295
     hitInternalError = false
     CreateErrorFrame = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:536
     num = 0
     SanitizeString = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:510
     AddonBlockedHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:502
     GetStackLevelInfo = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:344
     ParseLocals = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:396
     ignoreErrors = false
     errorReports = <table> {
     IsTSMAddon = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:478
     localLinesTemp = <table> {
     GetStackInfo = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:313
    OLD_TSM_MODULES = <table> {
     1 = “TradeSkillMaster_Accounting”
     2 = “TradeSkillMaster_AuctionDB”
     3 = “TradeSkillMaster_Auctioning”
     4 = “TradeSkillMaster_Crafting”
     5 = “TradeSkillMaster_Destroying”
     6 = “TradeSkillMaster_Mailing”
     7 = “TradeSkillMaster_Shopping”
     8 = “TradeSkillMaster_Vendoring”
     9 = “TradeSkillMaster_Warehousing”

    Any ideas on this error?
    I have been getting some “C stack overflow” errors in game recently and I
    suspect this might be a conflict between Dugi and TSM4 mod.
    But I don’t know how to triage where this conflict is coming from. And running with all other mods disabled isn’t going to help me find that.
    I have noticed also a few times when I enter
    Orgrimmar that the city “world” map doesn’t load properly… it opens
    with like 75% transparent and I have to wait to be in the city for a few
    minutes for it to open normally ie not transparent.
    Any help or suggestions appreciated.

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