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  • #164608

    Hello… I keep getting this error message at the beginning of my playing sessions using your Classic guides.  I’ve done the typical uninstall, reinstall steps.  I believe this is on your side now.  Thanks.

    Message: Error loading InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuide_Dungeon_Alliance_En29_35_Razorfen_Kraul.lua
    Time: Wed Apr  8 00:34:56 2020
    Count: 4

    Message: Error loading InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuide_Dungeon_Horde_En29_35_Razorfen_Kraul.lua
    Time: Wed Apr  8 00:34:56 2020
    Count: 4


    Please, keep in mind, I’m only a member and only using the guide to level 12.  I wanted to get a feel for what you’re offering.  I can tell you that there are some issues with the starting area guides, but nothing that drives me bonkers crazy like some of the posts on here.  


    For the most part, they are done extremely well so dont sweat the small stuff.  People are people.  :-)  


      click reinstall to fix this issue now 


      Works great now… thank you!  

    Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
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