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  • #164177

    I dont understand why you have a loyalty program.  I’ve been purchasing your guides for years now, part of the loyalty program and yet when Classic drops, which you guys should have had the basic guide anyway,  you are charging $37??

    Seems steep to me.  I love you guys and the guides but come on… why have the loyalty program when it doesnt get you anything.



      loyalty program provide free updates for your retail leveling guide as promised.
      question is, why are you so cheap and expect everything for free? we need to eat too. 


         What kind of a response is this? So you disrespect a paying customer by calling him cheap? If he was cheap he would not be a loyalty customer. You stated everything for free. Loyalty means just the opposite in that he had to pay to become that. Where is your LOYALTY to the paying customer? I was on the fence about buying the classic. With your response I will now take my cheap money elsewhere. Please delete me from you business.


        “why are you so cheap and expect everything for free? we need to eat too. “

        I bought Dugi back when it was Classic, so now I have to buy it again? Really?
        I’ve put in quite a bit of money into this over the years and now you want to gouge long time members.


          If you want the WoW Classic Guide for free the answer is no. 

          Your WoW Retail guide is still there, its been updated all the to level 120 BFA for free for loyalty members and will again be updated again for the next expansion, this is what you paid for and what was promised. WoW Classic is not. 


            dnmynatt said:

            “why are you so cheap and expect everything for free? we need to eat too. “

            I bought Dugi back when it was Classic, so now I have to buy it again? Really?
            I’ve put in quite a bit of money into this over the years and now you want to gouge long time members.

            You bought WoW Retail guide back when it was Vanilla which still available for you, WoW Classic is not the same. 


              strato said:

                 What kind of a response is this? So you disrespect a paying customer by calling him cheap? If he was cheap he would not be a loyalty customer. You stated everything for free. Loyalty means just the opposite in that he had to pay to become that. Where is your LOYALTY to the paying customer? I was on the fence about buying the classic. With your response I will now take my cheap money elsewhere. Please delete me from you business.



                is the loyalty program still going so can i still get it ?
                gues not i was so close i think on getting it :(
                sad for me

                  Curious on the Classic guide and I could not find anywhere else to post this, apologies if I missed it.  But Blizzard mentioned that with classic, they would be doing later updates over time to include Burning Crusade and stop at WotLK in due time not going beyond that.  (Blizzcon 2017) 
                  Will the $37 price include updates for these expansions in classic or would that be an add-on price?  I am asking because being level 50+ already, the $37 price may not be worth the investment now but would be later on.
                  Thank you Dugi

                     To me WOW classic is a totally different game. It is not an expansion. True that retail once was like classic however it is gone way beyond that. I am sure that basically the folks at DUGI’s guide had to rewrite and change a lot of things. I have been a subscriber for years and have enjoyed the advantage of using this guide. 

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