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  • #164106
      When I try to purchase it keeps failing, it says I need to contact my bank, but when I just bought the “Extra Tracking Module” as a test to see if the problem were in my end it worked completely fine. I have tried to purchase the classic guide with credit card and PayPal. 

        My purchase just got refunded (purchased 2 days ago). I’m now asking them why. I was even using the guide yesterday on launching.


          It’s weird when I click “Pay Now” nothing happens.


            I am having similar issues with purchasing the classic guide.


              Please try contact Clickbank livechat  here!/  and they will be able to look into your, they also said

              The customers that are not able to purchase are likely having problems
              because they failed the personal information verification. This is in
              place to protect you and ClickBank from potentially fraudulent orders. 


              When you go to the page to put in payment info it just keeps refreshing you can’t pay even if you wanted to. I think clickbank has an issue on there side or maybe the webpage, tried different browsers and no adblock or virus protection still the same thing just keeps refreshing the page can’t put in info or even click paypal almost like a strobe effect on the page.


                I am experiencing the same thing.  Has anyone found a fix?


                i can’t buy it as well:/ is there some option besides clickbank? please, just take my money! i hoped, it would resolve before i get to lvl 12, but no luck so far.


                  there’s a mixture of issues, some people have cards that have been declined by clickbank and also there is an issue with aggresive Adblocker plugin or AVS software .

                  For people with declined cards please contact clickbank live chat 

                  for website problem please try 

                  1. using a clean browser (no plugins)
                  2. disabling any AVS software or whitelist 


                    I called Clickbank and they are telling people to email them. I have ALL ad blockers turned off. I have used two difference browsers and still get the same thing. I’ve also used 2 different credit cards.

                    This is BS, why in the world would your banking system Dugi be any different than others on the net. DROP click bank or the banking system that is being used, use a different one. You are bleeding customers. I’m done here. I’m not going through **** just to buy this and besides your asking people to drop their security to buy this when 99% of the sites out here don’t require it?  No thank you.

                    Plus I’m not going to use Paypal either. They give their money to evil in the world, so I’ll never use them.


                      djcturner said:

                      I called Clickbank and they are telling people to email them. I have ALL ad blockers turned off. I have used two difference browsers and still get the same thing. I’ve also used 2 different credit cards.

                      It’s possible that your card is blacklisted for online purchase or high risk of chargeback which will cost us money, we don’t know what your credit history is like and I assume clickbank does.  We are not happy with clickbank getting blocked by adblockers so we’ll look into adding more payment options but it wont be anytime soon. 


                      Dugi said:

                      It’s possible that your card is blacklisted for online purchase or high risk of chargeback

                      obviously, there is no way for you to check, but i hardly ever used my card to charge back and it is used just fine on steam, and a few other stores, as well as my paypal account.
                      i tried contacting online chat yesterday, they told me, they have no idea what’s wrong and adviced to email them. no answer so far:/
                      i would prefer dugi, since i used it for years, but i’ve already purchased another gude, since it’s not going anywhere:/

                      Also, I used to be subscribed till last month and clickbank had no problem taking my money monthly. You won’t even lose a customer, if that guide was included in subscription, but since I had no use in both guides, I’ve decided to cancel subscription and purchase a guide:/


                      Did you guys solve the problem? I cant purchase either.

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