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  • #165437

      Is anybody having trouble/error when after hitting PLAY on the Dugi app – it quickly displays an error message:

      “Failed to launch World of Warcraft Launch.  Please check settings…”  <—That’s verbatim what shows up below progress bar.

      It worked just fine on this iMac the other day, while my downstairs iMac had this problem for about a week and a half.

      My retail build is 9.0210

      I submitted a ticket but thought somebody else might have encountered this problem and hopefully found a solution.

      Any thoughts?


        It looks to me that it’s not finding the launcher. I’d double check the World of Warcraft path, it should be something like this:-

        • ApplicationsWorld of Warcraft
        • ApplicationsWorld of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft Launcher

        The Applications may change if you installed World of Warcraft to a different folder.
        Baring in mind that I don’t have access to anything other than little info given in your post

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