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  • #165367

    My membership is active, Add on active, but when I selection any guide it isn’t showing in the game.  Reload or restart isn’t helping.  Something wrong somewhere?  On 9.0177


      Can you please try with just dugi enabled?


      It is enabled.  When I select any guide I’ll get the framing where the guide would normally be, but it will be empty then it will disappear.  I’ve logged out and have restarted the game.


      Got it.  Went through all of them, on and off.  Ends up being that World Quests List add on that was causing the issue.  Thanks, the guide is back up.


        Oh cool, that’s good, however, there can be a small fix for that.
        Just replace your WorldQuestsList.lua with this one, however, be warned, it’s not a total fix, some wowhead /way scripts may cause lua errors.





          Do you know what aspects of WorldQuestsList.lua file were changed from 105 to get the file you provided?

          I’m running 106, and not sure what edits to make…


            Okay no problems
            In file WorldQuestsList.lua
            Line: 8734

            local function IsQuestValidForEye(questID)
            return QuestUtils_IsQuestWorldQuest(questID) or (WQLdb.WorldQuestBfAAssaultQuests[questID or 0] and not IsQuestComplete(questID or 0))

            Replace with:

            local function IsQuestValidForEye(questID)
            if not tonumber(questID) then return false end
            return QuestUtils_IsQuestWorldQuest(questID) or (WQLdb.WorldQuestBfAAssaultQuests[questID or 0] and not IsQuestComplete(questID or 0))

            You could easily make a script “PY” or “PS1″ to insert ” if not tonumber(questID then return false end ” in that file on line 8735 whenever the developer of WorldQuestsList does an update. Though Dugi has messaged the developer, two updates later this implementation of this edit was not added.

            An example of this is using PowerShell:

            (Get-Content "G:World of Warcraft_retail_InterfaceAddOnsWorldQuestsListWorldQuestsList.lua").replace('local function IsQuestValidForEye(questID)', 'local function IsQuestValidForEye(questID)
            if not tonumber(questID) then return false end') | Set-Content "G:World of Warcraft_retail_InterfaceAddOnsWorldQuestsListWorldQuestsList.lua"
            1. Simply change the paths to reflect your own path, mine is “G:World of Warcraft_retail_InterfaceAddOnsWorldQuestsList”.
            2. Save the above script as WQL_Fix.ps1
            3. Within PowerShell (as Administrator) and browse to the WQL_Fix.ps1 location and then type .WQL_Fix.ps1 and hit enter.

            @karpana Just be very careful with this, and don’t run the script more than once.
            Also, find attached a .zip containing the above script.


              I found an issue even with this edit, where the objective frames borders are not showing, disable WorldQuestsList and it’s fine. I’ll play around with this and report back if I find a fix for this.

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