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  • #165476

    I’ve tried reloading the Guides several times, have downloaded a fresh copy of the Guides, but always get the “Failed to load” message and the suggestion to review settings. Everything in settings seems to be in order and correctly addressed in the links for retail, classic, and TMC. I’m on a Mac. Anyone else have this problem?


    And the Guide is not working . . . I just get a spinning circle when I try to do something with it.


    ANY suggestions will be appreciated.  ;)


      Hi can you confirm the version you are using, by checking in the addon menu inside the game.

      can you test with only dugi guides enabled, then try testing with a brand new character. 

      Can you post a screenshot 


      The guide seems to be working okay now . . . but I still can’t launch the game from it. I will try to send a few screen shots that may help. Not being able to launch from Dugi Guides is not a big deal, but it makes me wonder if other things aren’t working. Dugi Guides is my only add-on . . . and pretty much always has been. :)


      Here are screenshots that may help–using 9.0222.


        It appears that you installed the guides in the incorrect place; please move the DugisGuideViewerZ folder from /Applications/World of Warcraft/ to /Applications/World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/AddOns/.

        Could you kindly paste the entire path for the launcher from within the Dugi Guides Installer Options? It’s cut off and I can’t tell whether it’s accurate.


        I’ve put the DugisGuideViewerZ where you’ve indicated, and I think that’s its only location now. Below is the entire path for the launcher.

        /Applications/World of Warcraft/World of Warcraft


          I’ve put the DugisGuideViewerZ where you’ve indicated, and I think that’s its only location now. Below is the entire path for the launcher.

          /Applications/World of Warcraft/World of Warcraft

          Excellent, and the launcher appears to be accurate.
          Could you perhaps share some screenshot’s of the “Failed to Load” problem message?
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