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  • #165251

      I would have posted this on my previous thread, but for some reason when I go into the thread, it tells me to login in or register.  I am logged in, so I don’t know what the deal is.  Anyway…

      Message: Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/MapPreview.lua:452: bad argument #1 to ‘SetAlpha’ (Usage: self:SetAlpha(alpha))
      Time: Sat Oct 29 19:20:15 2022
      Count: 1
      Stack: Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/MapPreview.lua:452: bad argument #1 to ‘SetAlpha’ (Usage: self:SetAlpha(alpha))
      [string “=[C]”]: ?
      [string “=[C]”]: in function `SetAlpha’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/MapPreview.lua”]:452: in function <Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/MapPreview.lua:409>
      [string “=[C]”]: in function `Play’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/MapPreview.lua”]:397: in function <Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/MapPreview.lua:395>

        this try going to settings > maps > disable map preview for now


          Will do. I am also getting this, and I mean a lot of them (notice the count, and it was still climbing):

          Message: Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/arrow.lua:455: bad argument #1 to ‘unpack’ (table expected, got nil)
          Time: Fri Nov  4 21:38:02 2022
          Count: 476
          Stack: Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/arrow.lua:455: bad argument #1 to ‘unpack’ (table expected, got nil)
          [string “=[C]”]: in function `unpack’
          [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/arrow.lua”]:455: in function <Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/arrow.lua:433>
          [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/arrow.lua”]:2119: in function <Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/arrow.lua:1881>
          Locals: (*temporary) = nil
          (*temporary) = “table expected, got nil”

            Dugi said:

            this try going to settings > maps > disable map preview for now

            Enable map preview is not selected and is grayed out.


              blovett said:

              Dugi said:

              this try going to settings > maps > disable map preview for now

              Enable map preview is not selected and is grayed out.

              I have disabled this feature for now, are you still getting the error ?


                Dugi said:

                blovett said:

                Dugi said:

                this try going to settings > maps > disable map preview for now

                Enable map preview is not selected and is grayed out.

                I have disabled this feature for now, are you still getting the error ?

                Not that particular error.  I do get a lot of notifications telling me Dugi caused an issue when I try to use my number keys to use abilities in the hotbar.  That has two options – disable or reload.  I will often just disable for the duration, and then re-enable when I back in friendly territory.  

                Having said that, I noticed that 9.07 is out now.  I have not played with that version yet (I’ve been using 9.05).

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