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  • #164891

    When leveling a hunter, which is too low level to learn Dual Wield, the guide will keep suggesting wielding an off-hand if one is in your bag. If you say “go ahead” the game (rightly) tells you “you cannot do that [yet]”.


      try latest version now 1.37


      Better … but it appears recommendations/autoselection of quest rewards disappeared?


      Further, on starting up, I am getting this error now:

      Message: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGearAdvisor.lua:66: unexpected symbol near 'and'
      Time: Thu Apr 22 12:51:04 2021
      Count: 4
      Stack: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGearAdvisor.lua:66: unexpected symbol near 'and'

      Locals: <none>

        sorry for the trouble this should be fixed now 1.38

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