
    Nimp01 said:

    I believe there may be a conflict between Dugis Guide and Titan Panel Classic.  I had problems with the config screen sat with nothing but a spinning wheel.  Cleared addons folder and installed 3.0.25 for classic wrath, it worked fine.  Installed Titan Panel Classic (tried both the classic era version – and the classic version – and on both occasions the quest ‘frame’ goes off to the right of the screen and when running /dugi config the config screen just displayed a spinning wheel.
    I disabled the Titan Panel Classic Addon and Dugis guide worked as expected.  Please could someone look into this?


    I can confirm that Titan Panel Classic breaks DugiGuides addon, Titan Panel disabled / removed DugiGuides is fine.
    However, I wouldn’t try to use Classic Era addons in Classic Wrath.