
    There error show that you haven’t updated at all and still using the old files. 

    Make sure you have updated correctly. You might have multiple copies of WoW and updating the incorrect folder. 

    1. Load the installer available here https://www.dugiguides.com/dgmembers/ and click on the settings button.
    2. then click on the auto detect path button and click ok.
    3. if that doesn’t work then you need to manually correct the path.
    4. You can find the install path by loading your Battle net launcher and click on the Bnet icon on the top left corner
    Select Settings
    5. then cick Game Install/Update
    6. You will find the install path under Folder Used for Gameplay
    eg, so if your path is C:Program Files (x86)World of Warcraft_retail_
    then the paths should be 
    Retail Install Path: C:Program Files (x86)World of Warcraft_retail_
    Classic Install Path: C:Program Files (x86)World of Warcraft_classic_
    Launcher Path: C:Program Files (x86)World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft Launcher.exe
    Mac Retail. /Applications/World of Wacraft/_retail_/
    Mac Classic. /Applications/World of Wacraft/_classic_/