Herbalism Apprentice 1 – 50

Herbalism Journeyman 50 – 150

Herbalism Expert 150 – 210

Herbalism Artisan 210 – 300

Herbalism Master 300 – 350

Herbalism Grand Master 350 – 425

Herbalism Illustrious Grand Master 425 – 525


Trainable Rank




Malorne Bladeleaf
Firodren Mooncaller
Herbalist Pomeroy
Reyna Stonebranch
Kali Healtouch
Alma Jainrose
Telurinon Moonshadow
Cylania Rootstalker
Brant Jasperbloom
Martha Alliestar
Komin Winterhoof
Botanist Tyniarrel
Botanist Nathera
Aranae Venomblood
Flora Silverwind
Dolanaar Teldrassil
The Temple of the Moon Darnassus
East of Stormwind gates Elwynn Forest
The Park Stormwind
The Mage Quarter Stormwind
The Great Forge Ironforge
Azure Watch Azuremyst Isle
The Vault of Lights The Exodar
Thelsamar Loch Modan
Blood Watch Bloodmyst Isle
Lakeshire Redridge Mountains
Menethil Harbor Wetlands
Silverwind Refuge Ashenvale
Theramore Isle Dustwallow Marsh
Brill Tirisfal Glades
The Apothecarium Undercity
Middle Rise Thunder Bluff
Sen’jin Village Durotar
The Drag Orgrimmar
Saltheril’s Haven Eversong Woods
Court of the Sun Silvermoon
Tarren Mill Hillsbrad Foothills
Grom’gol Base Camp Stranglethorn Vale
Camp Mojache Feralas
Booty Bay Stranglethorn Vale
Nighthaven Moonglade
Ruak Stronghorn
Honor Hold Hellfire Peninsula
Thrallmar Hellfire Peninsula
Grand Master
Kirea Moondancer
Fayin Whisperleaf
Arthur Henslowe
Marjory Kains
Dorothy Egan
Valiance Keep Borean Tundra
Valgarde Howling Fjord
Warsong Hold Borean Tundra
Vengeance Landing Howling Fjord
Magus Commerce Exchange Dalaran
Illustrious Grand Master
Reyna Stonebranch
Dorothy Egan
The Mage Quarter Stormwind
The Great Forge Ironforge
The Drag Orgrimmar
Magus Commerce Exchange Dalaran


  • Before starting, it may help to install Gathermate2 and Gathermate2_Data

  • In-game type /gathermate and hit import and set your settings then scroll down to import data.
  • Now you have access to almost every node in-game

1 – 50

First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth – just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Herbalism

Alliance Zone: Elwynn Forest

Herbs 1 – 15: Peacebloom and Silverleaf

Herbs 15 – 50: Peacebloom, Silverleaf and Earthroot

Horde Zone: Durotar

Herbs 1 – 15: Peacebloom and Silverleaf

Herbs 15 – 50: Peacebloom, Silverleaf and Earthroot

50 – 105

Learn Herbalism Journeyman

Alliance Zone: Loch Modan

Herbs 50 – 70: Earthroot and Mageroyal

Herbs 70 – 85: Earthroot, Mageroyal and Briarthorn

Herbs 85 – 105: Mageroyal and Briarthorn

Horde Zone: Northern Barrens

Herbs 50 – 70: Earthroot and Mageroyal

Herbs 70 – 85: Earthroot, Mageroyal and Briarthorn

Herbs 85 – 105: Mageroyal and Briarthorn

105 – 150

Zone: Northern Stranglethorn

Herbs 105 – 115: Bruiseweed

Herbs 115 – 125: Bruiseweed and Wild Steelbloom

Herbs 125 – 150: Bruiseweed, Wild Steelbloom and Kingsblood

150 – 170

Learn Herbalism Expert

Zone: Northern Stranglethorn

Herbs 150 – 170: Wild Steelbloom, Kingsblood and Liferoot

170 – 210

Zone: The Cape of Stranglethorn

Herbs 170 -210: Fadeleaf, Goldthorn and Khadgar’s Whisker

210 – 230

Train Herbalism Artisan

Zone: Tanaris

Herbs 210 – 230: Firebloom

230 – 260

Zone: Thousand Needles

Herbs 230 – 260: Sungrass

260 – 300

Zone: Felwood

Herbs 260 – 275: Gromsblood and Golden Sansam

Herbs 260 – 275: Golden Sansam, Dreamfoil and Mountain Silversage

300 – 350

Go to Outland and train Herbalism Master

Zone: Hellfire Peninsula

Herbs 300 – 315: Felweed

Herbs 315 – 350: Felweed and Dreaming Glory

350 – 400

Go to Northrend and train Grand Master Herbalism

Zone: Borean Tundra

Herbs 350 – 375: Goldclover and Fire Leaf

Herbs 375 – 400: Goldclover, Fire Leaf and Tiger Lily

400 – 425

Zone: Sholazer Basin

Herbs 400 – 425: Goldclover, Tiger Lily and Adder’s Tongue

425 – 475

Visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth and train Illustrious Grand Master Herbalism

Zone: Mount Hyjal

Herbs 425 – 475: Stormvine and Cinderbloom

475 – 525

Zone: Deepholm

Herbs 475 – 525: Cinderbloom and Heartblossom