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  • #164125

      Dear Dugi,

      Are you thinking of making the classic guide a sub system as well? 

      Because I have been here for 11 years, and bought my first guide with you back in 08. The Alliance & Horde Leveling Guides. 

      But must say im a bit disapointed in having to buy the classic guide for 37$ once again on top of everything else. 



        Im also in the same boat with you friend, I dont see the point in us having to buy the same thing over again. Trying to get in contact with support, please let me know if you get any additional info on this matter


          Not at this time, the classic guide is a new guide and addon that we need to maintain. 

          If the addon was cross compatible with retail we would have keep them together. 


            I agree. Its super cruddy that we paid for pretty much the exact guide all those years ago but now have no access because the game changed. Maybe we should be thankful that we get all the other leveling guides “free”? I dunno how I feel about it if im honest


              Rhoi said:

              I agree. Its super cruddy that we paid for pretty much the exact guide all those years ago but now have no access because the game changed. Maybe we should be thankful that we get all the other leveling guides “free”? I dunno how I feel about it if im honest

              it’s not the same guide, it’s not the same addon. It is a brand new product that we created and maintain for the last 4 months, we deserve to be compensated for it.


                You will get compensated for it by turning it in to a subscription like the rest. Even Blizzard, one of the most greedy companies in the world, did not make you repurchase classic. 

                Ah well, i found a free one on curse that i will just use for classic insted. 

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